A shocking report by the Long Term Care Community Coalition reveals that patients in nursing homes are enduring suffering because of their constant fear of retaliation from staff if they voice their complaints about problems. This fear of reprisal inflicts significant emotional distress on nursing home residents, according to Eilon Caspi, the principal author of the report titled “They Make You Pay.” The report’s title was influenced by a distressing incident in a Florida nursing home where residents refrained from reporting poor care due to their fear of retaliation, with one resident stating that staff would “make you pay” by deliberately neglecting or sabotaging the care and meals of complaining residents.
The impact of fear
The report highlights that the fear of retaliation can be more detrimental than actual punishment. It often prevents residents from expressing their concerns and receiving the necessary care and services they are entitled to. Consequently, this inaction causes unnecessary emotional, psychological, and physical harm to vulnerable residents. For instance, a study conducted at the University of Connecticut Center on Aging examined residents’ fear of retaliation in long-term care homes in Connecticut. The study included a survey question asking residents if they were worried about retaliation if they were to report a complaint or concern. Shockingly, 23% of nursing home residents expressed concern about retaliation, while 4% stated their reluctance to complain and 1% admitted to not wanting to get anyone in trouble. The Atlanta Long-Term Care Ombudsman also reported that 44% of residents who witnessed abuse against fellow residents chose not to report it, with half of them citing fear of retaliation as the reason.
Addressing the issue
To help address long-term care issues and learn more about advocating for residents, individuals can share their own experiences and access information through the website https://nursinghome411.org. The website provides resources such as links to federal and state contacts, complaint forms, and tools for advocating resident-centered care.
Low staffing levels
Additionally, the coalition backed up previous reports on the understaffing issue in nursing homes by gathering federal data. These alarming findings prompted President Biden to pledge action. According to the report, nursing homes in the United States experience a turnover rate of more than 50% among their staff over a 12-month period. The median turnover rate for nursing staff is 53%, including a 50% turnover for registered nurses (RNs). The report also states that higher turnover rates are associated with lower quality of care. Staffing levels vary across different regions, with the lowest levels observed in Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas, while the highest levels are found in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington.
Finding a quality nursing home
For those seeking a reputable nursing home, the coalition website offers valuable information and guidance. Specific details about nursing homes, including their staffing levels, can be accessed through the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services Care Compare site.
Note: This article was originally published in Kiplinger’s Retirement Report, a monthly periodical that focuses on the concerns of retired or soon-to-be retired affluent older Americans. To receive reliable retirement advice, consider subscribing to this informative publication.